Frequently Asked Questions

A financial consultation is a personalized meeting where we review your current financial situation and discuss your financial goals. It's an opportunity for you to ask questions and for us to provide expert advice on how you can improve your money management, whether through better bookkeeping, efficient tax preparation, or internal auditing.

Not at all! While many of our clients are business owners, we also offer services tailored to individuals who are looking to better manage their personal finances. Whether you're planning for taxes, need help with budgeting, or want to understand financial planning, we’re here to help.

To get the most out of your consultation, it's helpful to gather any relevant financial documents such as recent tax returns, profit and loss statements, or even just a list of your monthly income and expenses. Also, think about what financial goals you have or any specific issues you're facing that you would like to discuss.

Using a bookkeeping service helps ensure that your financial records are accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensively managed. This not only saves you time and stress but also provides you with crucial insights into your financial health, helping you make informed decisions about your money.

Absolutely. We offer tax preparation services that can help you sort out your past tax filings, deal with any penalties or back taxes owed, and get you back on track for future tax periods. We can also provide advice on how to minimize future tax liabilities.

Internal auditing is a critical service that reviews your company’s operations, checking for compliance with legal regulations, financial discrepancies, and efficiency of operations. It helps identify areas of risk, potential cost savings, and opportunities for improving operational effectiveness. This service is essential for maintaining transparency, ensuring compliance with laws and standards, and enhancing the overall financial health of your business. By catching issues early, it can also prevent costly mistakes and fraud, ultimately protecting your bottom line.